Tuesday, July 7, 2009

While you were out...

While you were out, giant grasshoppers from Mars invaded the country. They cancelled the constitution, took control of everything and are now doing whatever they damned well please. You didn’t hear about it? Oh, I’m sorry you must have been glued to the TV set watching the Michael Jackson coverage 24/7 or round-the-clock sports or relentless infomercials on QVC. Except of course, for the occasional trip to the potty. You know, if you put a toilet and a mini-fridge right in front of the plasma TV you’d never have to budge.

Okay, the good news: I admit that the part about the giant grasshoppers was made up. The bad news: the rest is pretty much accurate. The fact is, the major media outlets – which is 97% of broadcast & cable TV as well as an ever-growing percentage of the Internet – love to entertain you with all sorts of diversions. I mean, who wants to listen to bad news anyway? You don’t want to have to think, use your brain, be engaged in what’s going on or God forbid, act in any sort of way. Pay no attention to the man behind the curtain. Have another beer! Flip channels between MJ and American Idol. Heck, I bet someone will even come up with a 24x7 MJ channel!

And of course if any of you stray and look for – dare I say it? – News of the day, major media has plenty of talking heads to tell you just what you need to know and what to think about it. They’ll even pretend to take sides and have a ‘debate’. Trust me, there’s really nothing more to it. You really don’t need to dig any further. Get another beer and assume the position – in front of the boob tube. I heard about a study done years ago, that concluded the more TV you watch, the less you know. I can’t cite the reference but that sounds about right.

Paul Craig Roberts recently referred to Congress and all those wonderful folks in D.C. as “The big whorehouse on the Potomac”. He ought to know since he was a former member of that fraternity and has a lot of inside information, which sadly, only a few of use bother to read. Link: The big whorehouse on the Potomac

While writing this blog entry, I thought I'd pause the MJ Tivo that I just can’t stop watching over and over again long enough to check up on just what the sluts have been up to while you were out:

Gee, federal control of local food supplies AND martial law all in one bill: Strange Martial Law via Food Control: HR 2749

Slapping the Hate Law bill on a defense bill – who would even notice plans to make talk show hosts criminals? Hate Bill Will Ride On Defense Bill

Israel has it’s own pirate fleet – you didn’t know that?The Pirates of the Mediterranean

Something called “Cap and Trade”, sounds innocent enough doesn’t it?
Cap and Trade

Shreveport doesn’t like it when you put bumper stickers on your car. No, I mean they really don’t like it! Shreveport Citizens Disarmed By Police For 2nd Amendment Bumper Stickers

Any business, especially financial institutions, deserve/need to be audited - but not the biggest one of all. Senate Blocks Bill To Audit The Fed As Government Prepares For Second Round Of Looting

Global Warming? Gimme a break! Even the Dems are doubters. Sen. Inhofe On Global Warming: 'This Thing Is Phony'

And my favorite…

The attorney general (an appointee) can simply declare that you are a terrorist if you own a gun or offer any protest over taxes. There's no trial or due process, it's just whatever he decides. The scary thing is that this bill has already passed the house! Bill Gives Attorney General Power To Designate Gun Owners, Tax Protesters As Terrorists

Didn’t hear about any of this from Katie Couric? Therefore, it must not be true? Did I upset you? I’m sorry. Here’s some stimulus money. Go buy yourself something pretty over at QVC. Don’t worry about those silly politicians. Worry about things like: if MJ’s funeral is on all the channels, how can I possibly watch them all and American Idol and Sports and Desperate Housewives and Flavor of Love and The Real World and The Hills and Paris Hilton and...

Ralph M

“You may not care about politics, but politics cares about you…”

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