Wednesday, July 15, 2009

Passing bills they don't even read

Passing bills they don't even read should be a crime and any repeat offenders ought to be impeached.

Problem is, with the way they have all this set up, how do "we the people" get any new regulations/laws enacted that directly affects them and their "business as usual"? In many cases, the very people elected to represent us have become the enemy. Since we put them in office and gave them power over us, how are we ever going to get them to change?

How are we supposed to get them to listen to us when in practice, they don't have to. We put them in charge of making the rules. In return they make rules that ruin our lives all the while exempting themselves. They also make rules that reinforce their ability to make more rules.

Seems like a catch 22. To further complicate the issue and neuter any voter's sense of power, we give them 2 years/6 years at a time to do whatever they want. And, oh boy! they do what ever they want. We elect them to (presumably) to serve us and they immediately start acting like Princes and Princesses.

There needs to be mechanism of the people that reins them in. Just as some issues are put to referendum, to be voted on by the people (real democracy) there ought to be procedures that the common people can initiate to reel them back in. Procedures that would be immune from their meddling and modifying.

Enough of them are so in bed with special interests and deaf/dumb/blind to the will of the people that we have effectively lost control of our country and society to them. They'd sell their own mother's eyes for a buck and right now, they're raping this country along with organizations such as Goldman-Sachs and the military-industrialists. Does anyone know what the military actually spends? Black budget programs are a blank check. No one knows how much and real auditing is impossible - just like the Fed.

Jobs are going overseas and most aren't coming back. Many firms that outsource to foreign lands actually get tax credits for doing so. They are being incentivised to do so at the expense of every working man and woman in the USA. Their future, secured through the consolidation of wealth, power and influence is secure. They don't care about ours or this Golden Goose they're slowly killing.

Futurists and trend predictors aren't giving us any rosy scenarios for the near term future. Some - the pessimists - say we could see riots and the real breakdown of society. Some - the optimists - hope that a strong 3rd party will emerge to challenge the two-faced thing that now runs everything.

I only hope that people wake up and stop being sheep. Only then can real change happen.

Ralph M

"I believe that banking institutions are more dangerous to our liberties than standing armies. If the American people ever allow private banks to control the issue of their currency, first by inflation, then by deflation, the banks and corporations that will grow up around [the banks] will deprive the people of all property until their children wake-up homeless on the continent their fathers conquered. The issuing power should be taken from the banks and restored to the people, to whom it properly belongs."

- Thomas Jefferson

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